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Highlights of Formnext 2021

Industrialization of AM through Standardization

The standards forum at Formnext is a workshop dedicated to discussing the standardization needs for Additive Manufacturing. The workshop's theme is "Industrialization of AM through Standardization- How to take AM to the next level?"

Picture: Mesago / Mathias Kutt
Picture: Mesago / Mathias Kutt

This one-day workshop will allow attendees to understand how standards impact the industrialization of AM and how you can leverage the standards for various AM applications across different industry sectors.

The workshop will be held on Monday, November 15th, 2021, in conjunction with Formnext, Frankfurt, and the event is jointly organized by ASTM International, US Commercial Service, and ISO.

The workshop format is structured with two keynotes, six regular presentations, two panel discussions, and two break-out sessions. The keynote session focuses on the status of AM standards development and the general industry perspective on the use of AM standards. The six presentations from industry experts cover the impact of standards in the advanced topics in AM such as Digitalization, Big Data, AM automation, Rapid Qualification and Certification, and how standards drive the adoption of AM in different industry sectors.

The two panels in the workshop open up discussions on two key topics; AM Industrialization, and standardization challenges, with panelists representing organizations who are heavily using AM for end-use part production and members from International /national standard development organizations. There are two Break-out sessions in the workshop where participants can share their perspectives and do a deep dive into industry-specific needs for AM standards with a particular emphasis on automotive, Construction, Oil &Gas, Energy, and maritime sectors.

Picture: Mesago / Mathias Kutt
Picture: Mesago / Mathias Kutt

The workshop is open to all engaged in AM activities, including Executives, Managers, AM Engineers, and Technicians from industry, research institutes, academia, and government agencies.

The workshop provides an excellent opportunity for all AM stakeholders to understand and appreciate how AM standards have been used across different industry sectors. You will get first-hand information from the industry leaders who are effectively using standards in their AM operations. The panel discussions and break-out sessions allow you to interact with industry experts about the standard practices and methods to overcome challenges in implementing AM.


Formnext seminars and webinars #standards


  • Additive Manufacturing