15 July 2022
Danish design firm Saga Space Architects is working on a 3D-printed lunar habitat to be built later this year. The more than 7 meters high “Rosenberg Moon habitat“ has a triangular footprint specifically designed to be transported in a starship rocket. The habitat has a space-optimized structure, consisting of two and a half floors for a crew of two persons.
The exterior of the habitat is topologically optimized, using human and animal bone growth as inspiration to achieve an optimal combination of strength and lightness. In developing the new lunar habitat, the Danish designers incorporated their experience from the Lunark project, a foldable lunar habitat that was tested for three months in the Arctic.
The floors and furniture are multi-functional, allowing for as many various activities as possible within the limited space. Two sleeping pods are installed on the top "floor," while the floors below serve as living and working areas. To improve comfort, “circadian lights” are planned to help the crew maintain a healthy circadian rhythm (24-hour cycle).
Design firm Saga Space Architects is on a mission to design and make habitable living space for future space travelers in a way that sees mental well-being and social sustainability as part of a life support system.
- Additive Manufacturing
- Aviation and aerospace
- Construction and architecture