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World premieres set for Formnext 2021

Small-scale production of oxide ceramics

by Thomas Masuch

At Formnext 2021, Lithoz GmbH will be presenting a wide variety of pioneering multi-material parts produced with the Cerafab Multi 2M30, one of the company’s 3D printers. The showcased parts will feature combinations of ceramics, ceramic and metal, and ceramic and polymer. Lithoz reports that the Cerafab Multi 2M30, which was launched in late 2020, is able to print using two materials simultaneously, facilitating the production of accurate and detailed parts with combinations of the aforementioned materials.

A part made of pure copper and ceramic. Picture: Lithoz
A part made of pure copper and ceramic. Picture: Lithoz

Alongside these multi-material parts, the second highlight at the Lithoz booth will be the live demonstration of its new entry-level 3D printer – the Cerafab Lab L30. This European premiere will be the first time this compact model can be experienced in full operation.

The Cerafab Lab L30 has been specifically developed for the customization and small-scale production of oxide ceramics and is engineered to be a starting point for ceramic 3D printing. Johannes Benedikt, CTO and co-founder of Lithoz, says the machine is suited to academia, researchers, and material and application developers.

Lithoz at Formnext:

Hall 12.1, Booth C21



  • Additive Manufacturing