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FFF printing with up to 7 nozzles

1 November 2022

With the introduction of its latest 3D printer with multi-nozzle technology Liqtra GmbH is creating a new way to increase the productivity of the FFF printing process without increasing speeds or nozzle diameters.

Image: Liqtra

The Liqtra FX-7 Pro's patent-pending multi-nozzle technology achieves up to a 300 percent increase in productivity, the company said. At the same time, it says, the standard of mapping geometric details remains high and part strengths are increased by as much as 37 percent. The 3D printer uses up to seven nozzles in a print head simultaneously, each of which can be individually controlled during the printing process. The process can be used for part production with Liqtra planning software, a slicer specially developed for multi-nozzle applications.

Artificial intelligence and numerical optimization are used in the software to find the optimal part orientation, determine the best process parameters and plan the individual control of each nozzle. Liqtra multi-nozzle technology uses parallel extrusion from multiple nozzles throughout the entire printing process. In each process step, the active nozzles and their respective extrusion rates are suitably selected for this purpose.

Liqtra multi-nozzle technology is particularly suitable when medium to large components need to be produced quickly. Fields of application include 3D printing of customized manufacturing aids and patient-specific medical aids.

Liqtra at Formnext 2022:

Hall 12.1, Booth G89


  • Additive Manufacturing
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