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Expert Insight

Development and clinical application of a series of 3D printed Patient-Specific Ti6Al4V Implants

The use of additive manufacturing to produce personalized medical devices is disrupting healthcare worldwide. With the fast advancements in digital technologies and additive manufacturing processes it is possible to plan complex surgeries and create custom medical devices to reconstruct complex bone defects within weeks through the multidisciplinary collaboration between engineers, clinicians, researchers and industry. These devices are designed on-demand to meet specific patient needs and are improving the accuracy and predictability of complex surgical procedures.

In this presentation I will discuss the design and manufacturing considerations for a broad variety of custom implantable medical devices I have developed that provided a benefit to patients in different clinical specialties including orthopedics, maxillofacial and thoracic surgery. I will also debate some of the challenges we are facing to produce high quality implants and the validating strategies currently applied to confirm the safety of novel devices.

The speaker is:
Dr. Alba Gonzalez-Alvarez, Medical Device R&D Lead, University Carlos III of Madrid


  • Medizintechnik