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Expert Insight

N-AM_Li3 State-of-the-Art Planning Software and 3D Printed Façade Nodes: Advancing Building Design

The increasing complexity of architectural geometries results in highly complex building envelopes, requiring a new approach to Design and engineering.

A file-to-manufacturing concept that explores the potential of both parametric methods and additive manufacturing is presented. These two emerging trends offer new possibilities that can change how planners and designers perceive building details. By leveraging parametric approaches, designers can gain more control over complex geometries and create structures with a higher level of precision.

Additionally, the advancements in façade systems, modeling software, and digital manufacturing techniques contribute to the growing trend of file-to-manufacturing, which makes it possible to achieve highly complex and intricate façade designs. Therefore, exploring this Method and developing new Design and engineering concepts that can accommodate these advancements and complexities is essential.

Due to the increased complexity of architectural geometries, traditional project management was found inadequate. The file-to-manufactory concept is a contemporary way to enhance architectural possibilities and maximize efficiency, and this concept needs the exploration of specific BIM techniques and additive manufacturing techniques. This paper will present a State-of-the-Art planning method, ""Li3_Method,"" backed up with a 3D Printed parametric façade node, ""N-AM_Li3"". The Method is successfully utilized in one case study project in Adelmannsfelden, Germany, and a large-scale free-form glass roof in Hamburg, Germany.

The Li3_Method had been translated into a planning software named ""Li3M"". The software works as a controlling tool and overcomes all geometry restrictions to transform freeform geometries into Lego-like constructions. N-AM_Li3 is a topology-optimized 3D printed façade node that is a worldwide 1st certified 3D printed building component for the building industry.

The speaker is:
Alamir Mohsen, Managing Director, Architect, Façade Specialist, Lithium Designers GmbH


  • Architektur und Bauindustrie