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Expert Insight

Decathlon X HP X Lonati Group- Generate a protective solution around the foot for the walker

HP has partnered with Decathlon, one of the world’s largest sports companies, and Lonati Group. Together, they present an innovative and sustainable approach to shoe manufacturing that has the potential to reshape the industry. By harnessing the power of advanced technologies, including HP’s Multi Jet Fusion technology and Lonati’s shoe-upper knitting machines, this collaboration paves the way for a future of sustainable footwear production.

Traditionally, shoe production requires numerous parts, adhesive materials, and a significant workforce. However, HP, Lonati Group, and Decathlon are revolutionizing the process by leveraging the power of 3D printing. In their latest innovation, they have developed a sports shoe that embodies the future of footwear manufacturing.This shoe combines Lonati’s meticulously crafted sock with an innovative midsole and outsole produced using HP’s state-of-the-art 3D printer. Lonati’s XT-MACHINE and Double Cylinder E1530XS knitting machines allow the production of shoe uppers with single or double-layer fabric – resulting in an integrated upper that offers unparalleled comfort, lightness, performance, and quality.The shoe is highly customizable (enabling consumers to personalize their footwear to suit their preferences and needs) and can be produced locally – reducing transportation emissions, and supporting local economies.

By utilizing a glue-free assembly method, the shoe can be easily repaired when damaged. The cushion and upper parts can be separated, allowing for targeted repairs without the need to discard the entire shoe. This not only extends the lifespan of the product but also reduces waste. Moreover, the use of a single material, TPU (thermoplastic polyurethane), for the grip and cushion parts enhances the shoe’s recyclability. All of this contributes to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly product life cycle.

The speaker is:
Rémi Amoretti, Computational designer, Decathlon


  • Consumer Goods und Fashion