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Expert Insight

Additive Manufacturing for Textile Functionalization – From Vision to Reality

Digital and Additive Manufacturing methods are an enabling technology for novel resource-saving production processes for the textile industry. The use of digital manufacturing technologies offers the possibility to apply certain textile functions individually, mask- and contact-free as well as three-dimensionally on textiles. This presentation provides an introduction to the possibilities and limitations of Additive Manufacturing processes for the functionalization of textile structures.

The speakers are:
Dr.-Ing. Frank Siegel, Head of department Functionalization and Composites, Sächsisches Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. (STFI) and Textilforschungsinstitut Thüringen-Vogtland e.V. (TITV)
Justus Weinhold, Absolvent, Sächsisches Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. (STFI) and Textilforschungsinstitut Thüringen-Vogtland e.V. (TITV)


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