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Expert Insight

AM orthotics & prosthetics: the end-to-end design workflow is essential

The transformative potential of 3D printing in the orthotics and prosthetics sector hinges on the successful execution of end-to-end design workflows. In the past, this industry has faced challenges in integrating 3D printing due to the complexity of CAD and the need for Design-for-AM principles. Orthopedic technicians often lacked the necessary expertise in these fields, leading to roadblocks in customization and a limitation in the potential benefits of 3D printing.

The collaboration between medical software provider Mecuris with design automation specialist trinckle presents a significant leap forward in overcoming these challenges. This partnership aims to establish a comprehensive, end-to-end workflow that bridges the gap between 3D printing technology and orthopedic care.

In essence, the Mecuris Solution Platform empowers orthopedic technicians to design individual orthoses online without requiring prior knowledge of CAD/CAM technologies. This opens up the benefits of 3D printing to a larger cohort of the orthopedic community. The platform utilizes intuitive user interfaces and automated design processes that replace complex CAD operations. Orthopedic technicians can input patient-specific scan data and the software intelligently converts these parameters into a 3D model ready for fabrication.

But Mecuris and trinckle do not settle with the current state-of-the-art: at Formnext 2023, the latest innovations from the areas of joint integration and prosthetics will be presented. These give orthopedic technicians a much wider range of options for advanced additively manufactured products - without having to accept limitations in terms of intuitive use.

The presentation will cover a walk-through the software process to give a hands-on experience to the audience how to design an orthopedic product.

By demystifying the complexities of CAD/CAM technologies, we are a step closer to transforming patient care in this field.

More information

The speaker is:
Dr. Ole von Seelen, Head of Business Development & Strategic Marketing, trinckle 3D GmbH


  • Medizintechnik