Text und Bilder: 3D Printing Industry, 02.11.2023
Die Vorauswahl für die 3D Printing Industry Awards ist jetzt online. Die Finalisten für die 3DPI Awards wurden von unserem Expertenkomitee, das auf eine gemeinsame zweijährige Erfahrung zurückblicken kann, und unseren Lesern ausgewählt.
Die Shortlists geben eine Momentaufnahme des Zustands der 3D-Druckindustrie im Jahr 2023 wieder. Von Anwendungen in der Luft- und Raumfahrt und im Gesundheitswesen über Kategorien für Metall- und Polymer-3D-Drucksysteme bis hin zum 3D-Scannen - die 3DPI Awards zeigen die wichtigsten Themen der Additiven Fertigung auf.
Jetzt brauchen wir Ihre Hilfe, um die diesjährigen Gewinner auszuwählen.

Die Abstimmung läuft bis zum 28. November. Nutzen Sie gerne das Online-Formular der 3D Printing Industry Awards für Ihre Stimmabgabe.
Die Gewinner werden am 30. November bei einem Gala-Dinner in London bekannt gegeben. Als besonderes Angebot für die Leser stellen wir hier eine begrenzte Anzahl von ermäßigten Eintrittskarten zur Verfügung.
Finden Sie hier mehr Informationen zu der Vorauswahl.
Vollständige Liste der Finalisten der 3D Printing Industry Awards
Community Advocate of the Year
Alex Kingsbury, Additive Economics
Brent Wright, LifeNabled / Advanced 3D
Fabian Alefeld, Additive Minds, EOS
Ivan Miranda, YouTube
Karsten Heuser, Siemens
Kimberly Gibson, America Makes
Kristin Mulherin, Hubbell Incorporated
Sean Aranda, 3D Print General
Stefan Hermann, CNC Kitchen, YouTube
Valeria Tirelli, Aidro
Sustainability in Additive Manufacturing
6K Additive
AMT PostPro Pure
Batch.works 3D print farms for circular economy
Fishy filaments
Philips Lighting MyCreation
Ronald Rael indigenous Adobe and other local materials “emerging objects”
Sulapac Flow 1.7
Software Tool or Company of the year
AutoDesk Fusion 360
Bambu Studio
Carbon Design Engine
Hexagon Nexus (DfAM workflow with MSC Apex Generative Design, AM Studio and Simufact Additive)
Lychee Slicer
Materialise Magics
Oqton 3DXpert
Siemens NX
Start-up of the Year
1000 Kelvin
9T Labs
Azul 3D
Bambu Lab
Foundry Lab
Frontier Bio
In Game Collectables
IO Tech
Sun Metalon
Desktop non-FFF 3D Printer of the Year
Anycubic Photon Mono M5
B9 Core Series
Elegoo Mars 4 Ultra 9K
Elegoo Saturn 3
Formlabs Form 3+
Magforms P7
Nexa3D XiP Desktop
Photocentric Liquid Crystal Opus 12k
Phrozen Mini 8Ks
Sinterit LISA
Enterprise 3D printer of the year (polymers)
3D Systems EXT 220 MED (Kumovis R1)
Carbon M3 Max
EOS FORMIGA P 110 Velocis
Formlabs Fuse 1
HP Jet Fusion 5420W – HP
Impossible Objects CBAM25
Lynxter Silicone 3D Printer S300X
Roboze Argo 500
Stratasys Neo450
Wematter Gravity
Enterprise 3D Printer of the Year (Metals)
3D Systems’ DMP Factory 500
BLT-S 1500 SLM from Bright Laser Technologies
Desktop Metal – Shop System
EOS M290
GE Additive Spectra H
HP Metal Jet S100 Solution
Markforged Metal X
Nikon SLM Solutions NXG XII 600
Tritone Technologies Dominant
Velo3D Sapphire XC 1MZ
Company of the year (Personal)
Bambu Lab
E3D Online
LDO Motors
Prusa Research
Company of the year (Enterprise)
3D Systems
Desktop Metal
SLM Solutions / Nikon
Material Company of the Year
BASF Forward AM
CRP Technology
Jabil for PK5000
Oxford Performance Materials
Sandvik for Cemented Carbide
Uniformity Labs UniFuse IN625
Academic, research team, or project of the Year
Dr. AJ Boydston, UW-Madison Department of Chemistry
Dr. Christopher Spadaccini, LLNL
Dr. Alaa Elwany, Texas A&M University
Dr. Chris Williams, DREAMS Lab, Virginia Tech
EPSRC Future Manufacturing Hub in Manufacture using Advanced Powder Processes
Dr. Eva Blasco, Heidelberg University
Dr. Claas Bierwisch team, Fraunhofer IWM
Dr. Jennifer A Lewis, Harvard University
Dr. Joseph DeSimone, Stanford University
Welding and Additive Manufacturing Centre, Cranfield University
Medical Dental or Healthcare Application
Axial3D Insight software cloud-based segmentation
BellaSeno Resorbable Breast and Pectus Excavatum Scaffolds
Curiteva world’s first 3D printed porous PEEK cervical spacers
Dimension Inx first patient use of CMFlex™, the FIRST FDA-cleared 3D-printed regenerative bone graft product.
Hospital based Patient-specific metal implants with LimaCorporate and Hospital for Special Surgery Collaboration.
IMcoMET microneedle-Duo (M-Duo) Technology
MB Therapeutics automatic production of personalised medicines using pharmaceutical 3D printing.
Stratasys with the DentaJet, MediJet and DAP growing market
Aerospace, Space or Defense Application
3D Printed Haynes 230 for Elevated Temperature Applications
3D Systems’ Thales Alenia Space: Compact C-band Corrugated Horn Antenna
Alba Orbital & CRP Technology
Launcher & Velo3D heat exchanger for Launcher’s E-2 rocket engines.
Lockheed Martin Hypersonic Ramjet
NASA, L-PBF copper-alloy combustion chamber
Hyphen Innovations, leveraging trapped metal powder for vibration suppression and dampening.
Relativity Space Aeon R Engine for Terran 1 rocket
SPEE3D trained 13 Ukrainian soldiers in advanced manufacturing design theory and practice. Focused on cold-spray additive as the delivery technology
Stratasys hatch in Antero 840CN03 material for Artemis 1 launch
3D Designer of the Year
Brigitte Kock, Paraprint
Adidas 4DFWD
Optisys for functional RF components
EOS, General Lattice, DyeMansion, ALM – Wilson basketball
Fotis Mint – Digital Sculptor
Olaf Diegel
Pratt Ceramics
Sara Alvarez Symbiotic Shoes
Merit3D for the Hanger for Epoxy holder
Innovation of the year
AlphaPowders – spheroidization technology to convert low-cost non-spherical polymer powders into uniform, spherical powders for AM
Sakuú first fully functional 3D printed lithium-metal battery
nTop, nTop4 Software
Jiangnan University – support-free ceramic 3D printing
UpNano GmbH, novel material for 2PP 3D-printing and innovation in the in vitro fertilization (IVF) market
GE Additive Binderjet Series 3
Helio Additive, Dragon Software
Beni Cukurel, Micro Gas Turbine
National Eye Institute, bioprinting eye tissue
Stratasys F3300
3D Scanning or Metrology Company
Artec LEO
Creaform, Black Elite Limited Scanner.
Direct Dimensions
Factum Foundation
Hexagon Volume Graphics
Revopoint Pop 3
Value-added Reseller of the Year
Go Engineer
Hawk Ridge Systems
Mark 3D
Purple Platypus
Solid Print3D
Mobility or Energy Application
Aidro, Hydraulic and 3D Printing components
Czinger C21C Extensive Use of 3D Printing in a Hypercar
Daimler Truck
Deutsche Bahn Reaches 100,000 3D printed Spare Parts
DNV Quality Assurance Standards
Equinor Digital Inventory
Curable Composites
NASA AI Designed Bracket
US Navy Adopts Meltio Additive Hybrid Manufacturing At Sea
Wärtsilä turbomachinery
Desktop FFF 3D Printer of the Year
AnkerMake M5C
Bambu A1 Mini
Bambu Lab X1C
Bambu Labs P1-series
Creality Ender 3 V3 KE
Creality K1 Max
Prusa Research MK4
Prusa Research Prusa XL
UltiMaker S7
Voron Design (V2.4 R2)
Wichtige Daten
Start der Stimmabgabe - 18. Oktober 2023
Ende der Abstimmung - 28. November 2023
Bekanntgabe der Gewinner - 30. November 2023
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