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Transforming Robotics with Additive Manufacturing: Ocado's 600 Series Bot


Ocado Technology, a leader in automated grocery fulfillment and supply chain solutions, has fully harnessed the power of additive manufacturing in developing its 600 series bot. By employing 3D printing not only for prototyping but also for full-scale production, Ocado has maximized rapid iteration cycles and unlocked limitless design flexibility, achieving the optimal balance between structural strength and lightweight efficiency.

The 600 series bot’s unique structure based on lightweight engineering principles —a skeleton of carbon fiber tubes combined with 3D-printed components— allowed the use of smaller batteries, which consume less energy and the possibility of running on lighter, less expensive infrastructure. This exemplifies how additive manufacturing can drive both efficiency and adaptability in advanced robotics.

Chiara Ceccato, FEA Engineer, Ocado Technology
Sofie Magnusson, Hardware Engineer, Ocado Technology