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Panel - Start-up Finance and Funding Navigating Funding Opportunities for AM-Focused Businesses


Securing funding and understanding financial pathways are essential for the growth of any AM-focused startup or scale-up. This panel brings together influential voices from the worlds of venture capital, industry associations, and crowdfunding platforms. Hear from experts at Freigeist Capital, AMT, Kickstarter, and AM Ventures as they share their insights on different funding models and opportunities tailored to the Additive Manufacturing sector. Whether you’re looking at venture capital, strategic partnerships, or grassroots crowdfunding, this session will provide the practical advice and strategic perspectives you need to take your AM business to the next level.

Alexander Pass, Principal, Freigeist Capital
Dayton Horvath, Director, Emerging Technology and Investments, AMT-The Association For Manufacturing Technology
Heather Swift Hunt, Head of Design & Tech, Kickstarter
Arno Held, Managing Partner, AM Ventures Management GmbH