Speaker: Mathias Galetz, DECHEMA Research Insitute
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Advanced coatings and surface treatments for improved high temperature corrosion resistance of AM-processed Ni-based alloys
This session will focus on additive manufacturing (AM) as an enabling technology for energy (hydrogen) and petrochemical industries, where components like gas burner heads and novel heat exchangers must resist harsh conditions, including temperatures from 400 to 800°C and carbonaceous atmospheres prone to metal dusting attacks. The presentation will explore protective strategies using highly alloyed materials and surface treatments, including Cr/Al diffusion coatings, to delay surface pitting and structural degradation. Case studies will illustrate resistance improvements through various treatments, showcasing Cr diffusion coatings applied to advanced AM-processed Ni-30wt.%Cu alloys and wrought counterparts, demonstrating up to 500 hours of metal dusting resistance at 550°C and 19 bar. Attendees will gain insights into microstructural analyses comparing coated and uncoated materials, and perspectives on advancing surface treatments for high-temperature AM applications will be discussed.