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Expert Insight

The future of organ biofabrication – Multi-material light-based bioprinting

Welcome to the world of regenerative medicine. Let’s explore additive manufacturing in the context of living materials and bioprinted organs.

Tissue Engineering has come a long way since the first three-dimensional cell cultures in the 1950s. Researchers found that cell aggregation and the interaction of cells with each other and their extracellular matrix have a tremendous impact on the biological function on a cellular and tissue function level. Cells need a suitable environment to fully differentiate and prosper in their specific niche. Hence, cell aggregation and hydrogel incorporation are used to advance cell culture enabling in vitro research with native tissue-like models. But conventional 3D cell culture approaches are limited by size and function tailoring their application to laboratory use only. Mankind is struggling with increasing diseases with organ failure and the demand for donor organs is rising calling for new biofabrication approaches to overcome this shortage. Multi-material light-based bioprinting is the evolution in modern biofabrication opening a world of complete design freedom setting the researchers imagination as its limit. Vascularized hydrogels housing multiple cell-types result in complex tissue equivalents enable us to create and produce functional human tissue. Imagine a future where the biofabrication of human organs and tissues is common medical practice so mankind can enjoy longer and healthier lives.

The speaker is:
Dr. Ing. Tobias Lam, Head of Technology, Cellbricks GmbH


  • Bioprinting