
Formnext Awards – Bühne frei für den AM-Fortschritt

Die neuen Formnext Awards prämieren in sechs Kategorien u.a. junge innovative Unternehmen, nachhaltige Geschäftsideen, bahnbrechende Technologien u.v.m. Mit Sicherheit gibt es auch eine Kategorie, in der Sie glänzen können.



AM Mindset boundless potential

The energy transition will require extensive digital, technological and commercial innovation and a shift from GDP growth to inclusive green economic development as the primary goal for the global economy. Additive manufacturing represents a key building block of the digital transformation and a circular economy. It enables responsible use of materials with energy optimisation through designing out waste. The global inventory of parts can be transformed from physical to digital. With a file, rather than parts being sent to a location and production can be on demand, meeting the immediate needs of the end user. An innovative mindset and new way of collaborating between companies across the supply network will be essential to achieve this.

The speaker is:
Pantea Khanshaghaghi, Project leader, Equinor


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