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Why flexible components are better - The use of additively manufactured compliant mechanisms for automation tasks


In this talk, we will explore the advantages of using additively manufactured compliant mechanisms with a focus on automation tasks such as robot end effectors. Unlike conventional mechanisms, which rely on complex assemblies of rigid parts, compliant mechanisms achieve motion through the flexibility of their structure. This reduces the need for joints, bearings, and other components, potentially leading to simpler designs, lower weight, lower production costs and less maintenance.

However, to design compliant mechanisms, engineers have to carefully consider material properties, flexibility and deformation to ensure that the mechanism can perform the desired motion while maintaining structural integrity. Modern calculation tools and simulation software therefore play an important role, as they allow designers to predict how the mechanism will behave under different loads and conditions.

Frieder Heieck, Professor, University of Applied Sciences Kempten
Geronimo Mähn, Application Engineer, EOS GmbH