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Performance increase in tools and dies through innovative designs with DED-manufactured Multi-material


This presentation will explore the use of powder-based Direct Energy Deposition (DED) for producing multi-material parts, enabling the creation of components with tailored thermal and mechanical properties. Multi-material AM opens new design possibilities for complex tools and dies, particularly in injection molding and die-casting applications. By building on existing components, DED facilitates tool refurbishment and performance optimization, addressing the balance between thermal conductivity, wear resistance, and post-processing costs. Attendees will gain insights into conformal cooling channel integration and how this approach enhances cooling efficiency and reduces cycle times. Case studies, including a research demonstrator achieving a 45% cycle time reduction, will illustrate the practical benefits of this technique. The session will provide a comprehensive view of how multi-material AM can meet modern industrial demands.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexander Mattes, Manufacturing Technology, Fachhochschule Kiel
Thore Gericke, Research Engineer, Fachhochschule Kiel