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Panel - Business Case: Real-World Successes and Collaborative Insights in AM


AM can enable innovative new business cases and transform existing projects or enterprises. With a panel of seasoned professionals sharing their unique journeys, this session will feature diverse voices from across the industry, delving into the real-world business cases driving AM adoption. Panelists will discuss their experiences, solutions, and the partnerships that have driven their projects forward. This session promises valuable takeaways on how collaboration and innovation converge to create business success in the world of Additive Manufacturing.

Philipp Süß, Owner, Ingenieurbüro Süß & friends
Dr. Gert Claes, Project Manager AM, Sirris (3DoP project)
Alexander Schmoeckel, Associate, AM Ventures
Andreas Schultheiss, CEO and Founder, Schultheiss GmbH / Rapid Shape GmbH