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Panel - AI and industrial metaverse Digital Tools Accelerating Physical Processes


AI is already intertwined with Additive Manufacturing. This panel will delve into how AI-driven design optimization, predictive maintenance, and quality control are enhancing AM processes. Additionally, we’ll explore the role of the Industrial Metaverse in creating immersive digital twins and virtual environments that facilitate real-time collaboration and simulation, leading to more agile and responsive manufacturing workflows. Attendees will gain insights into the integration of these technologies, including the use of collaborative virtual reality for AM part inspection (ArXiv) and the development of immersive engineering practices within the Industrial Metaverse.Join us to discover how AI and the Industrial Metaverse are driving the next wave of AM adoption and transforming the manufacturing landscape.

Huba Hörömpöly, CEO, Gravity Pull Systems
Gustavo Melo, Senior Consultant / Group Manager,  ACAM Aachen Center for Additive Manufacturing ACAM / RWTH Aachen - Digital Additive Production DAP
Sebastian Heinz, CEO, statworx / AI Hub Frankfurt
Anthony Lele, CEO, Automation Acoustics