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Newest developments in the ressource based AM-Framework for the military sector


This presentation will introduce the AM-Level System Framework, designed to classify and standardize additive manufacturing (AM) technologies for military applications, with a focus on temporarily self-sufficient systems. Developed as part of the ISO 52966 initiative, the framework evaluates AM technologies based on complexity, capabilities, and integration requirements.

The German Navy is currently piloting this framework to streamline AM adoption across the armed forces, informed by insights from the European Defense Agency’s AM Village workshop, which underscored the need for cohesive AM planning. Recent innovations include the integration of a ChatGPT-based 'Part Vectorizer' tool that converts component characteristics into complexity vectors, enhancing computer-aided production planning and documentation support. Attendees will gain an understanding of the German Navy's experiences, lessons learned, and future potential for AM applications in international maritime collaboration.

Speaker: Dr. Ing. Sascha Hartig, Coordinator Additive Manufacturing German Navy, German Navy Support Command