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Model No. Redefines Sustainable High-End Furniture with Additive Manufacturing


This presentation will delve into how Model No. Furniture is revolutionizing the furniture industry with a sustainable, high-tech approach using 3D Systems’ EXT Titan Pellet extrusion printers. Current commercial interior furniture production often relies on petroleum-based plastics and outdated processes that result in significant waste and carbon emissions. In contrast, Model No. employs recycled sawdust and plant-based waste for 3D printing materials and integrates an on-demand manufacturing model.

By utilizing pellet extrusion 3D printing alongside CNC machining, Model No. creates custom bio-resins from CNC waste, effectively closing the loop on production waste. Model No. CEO, Philip Raub, and 3D Systems’ Vice President, Rahul Kasat, will discuss the company’s journey from concept to successful production and how their innovative use of large-format 3D printers has supported sustainable practices and scalable manufacturing. Attendees will gain insight into the application of sustainable AM practices in high-quality furniture production.

Rahul Kasat, Vice President, Titan, 3D Systems
Phillip Raub, CEO, Model No.