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Lessons Learned from 10 Years Teaching Additive at MIT


The Massachusetts Institute of Technology ("MIT") has taught additive manufacturing skills to a wide range of academic, industrial, and government stakeholders. Since 2016, over 10,000 working professionals have been trained through MIT. Most of these efforts have been led or supported by Haden Quinlan.

In this talk, Haden will share MIT's pedagogical approach over time and reflect on his experience in aligning instructional goals with corporate objectives. He will further describe how MIT's approach to training has changed over time, due to both new learnings within MIT as well as in response to change dynamics in the additive manufacturing industry. He will share case studies from MIT outlining those different instructional approaches through time, and present MIT's latest framework for teaching additive that relates corporate structure, goals, and product portfolio to the scope or structure of a training program. Beyond, Haden will describe MIT's new hands-on teaching laboratories, the methods MIT uses to engage students and expose them to industrial concepts, and the future of additive manufacturing at one of the world's leading educational institutions.

Speaker: Haden Quinlan, Senior Program Manager, Massachusetts Institute of Technology