Sylwia Styczyńska, Development and innovation specialist, Glinik Drilling Tools
Mateusz Szpak, Glinik Drilling Tools
Grzegorz Sidor, Glinik Drilling Tools
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LaserC®: Laser Metal Deposition technology - exceptional wear-resistant coatings in manufacturing and repair processes
This presentation will highlight Glinik Drilling Tools’ innovative use of Laser Metal Deposition (LMD) technology in modernizing the production of roller cone and PDC bits for the oil and gas industry. Collaborating with the Polish National Centre for R&D, Glinik developed an LMD-based solution for hardfacing materials that offers advantages over traditional methods, such as automated, high-precision overlays suited for complex geometries. The resulting coatings feature strong substrate bonding, a fine-grained microstructure, and uniform distribution of reinforcing particles, eliminating defects like pores and cracks. This approach has enhanced abrasion resistance and impact strength compared to gas welding and PTA techniques. Attendees will learn about the technical process, key results, and the significance of LMD in advancing drilling tool performance and competitiveness.