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Integrating Conductive TPU Filament for Strain Sensing in 3D Printed Fin-Ray Effect Soft Grippers


This presentation will cover the innovative use of conductive thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) filament to develop 3D printed Fin-Ray Effect (FRE) soft robotic gripper fingers. Conducted at the Laboratory of Innovation and Technologies for Sustainability (LITecS) within C-MAST at the University of Beira Interior (UBI), this research highlights how conductive TPU can be integrated into the gripper’s design to function as an intrinsic sensor. The study demonstrates that the deformation of TPU-based crossbeams during object engagement produces measurable signals, enabling real-time feedback on grip strength and object characteristics. Attendees will gain an understanding of how this technology advances soft robotics and sensor integration, enhancing the performance of automated systems.

Rodrigo Antunes, PhD Student, University of Beira Interior
Martim Aguiar, Invited Assistant, University of Beira Interior