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In-Space Manufacturing: Developing Lunar Infrastructure with Robotic Additive Manufacturing and In-Situ Resources


As humanity prepares for long-term Lunar missions through NASA’s Artemis program, the need for in-space manufacturing solutions to build outposts, infrastructure, and replacement parts becomes critical. Additive manufacturing (AM) presents a promising solution, yet the high cost of transporting raw materials to the Moon poses significant economic challenges. In-situ resource utilization, specifically using Lunar regolith, offers a viable alternative. Given launch constraints, deploying small mobile robotic 3D printers is more practical than larger units.

This presentation will introduce the Simultaneous Localization and Additive Manufacturing (SLAAM) technique, designed for sub-millimeter accuracy in large-scale construction using space-grade regolith-based materials. SLAAM incorporates radiative heating and an AI-based control system, adhering to stringent standards set by NASA, ESA, and CSA. Developed in collaboration with the Canadian Space Agency at the Concordia Aerospace Robotics Lab, this research underscores SLAAM’s potential to enhance AM capabilities for Lunar construction. Attendees will gain insights into the technique’s development, multidisciplinary perspectives, and its implications for enabling sustainable, large-scale Lunar infrastructure.

Speaker: Mohammad Azami, Researcher - Ph.D., Concordia University