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How to supercharge the scale of industrial Additive Manufacturing?


Industrial Additive Manufacturing is nearing a tipping point for exponential growth. Megatrends such as Digitalization, Environmental change or Glocalization are evolving at varying speed and predictability. Robustness of global supply chains is fragile. How to stay competitive, resilient, and sustainable in industry?

In this interview, Peter Koerte, Managing Board Member, Chief Technology Officer and Chief Strategy Officer, Siemens AG, provides insights into industries from aerospace to electronics that have successfully “crossed the chasm” of industrial additive manufacturing (AM) into maturity. He outlines the major role of cutting-edge technologies like digital twin and AI, how Siemens scales industrial AM and circular economy solutions in its own factories – and why open, interoperable ecosystems are of utmost importance in industry to stay resilient, sustainable and thus successful in a constantly changing world.

Speaker: Dr. Peter Koerte, Member of the Managing Board | Chief Technology Officer and Chief Strategy Officer, Siemens AG