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How fizik used AM for Mass Customization of High-Performance Elastomeric Products


This panel discussion will feature fizik, gebioMized, and Carbon, detailing how fizik has leveraged the Carbon platform and gebioMized's expertise to build automated pipelines for custom bicycle saddles that cater to all athletes, from elite professionals to amateurs.

Fizik’s commitment to advanced saddle design focuses on comfort and performance, drawing on gebioMized's 20 years of research into optimal riding positions. Carbon’s pioneering work in lattice customization has enabled mass personalization, exemplified by their One-to-One custom saddle product. With over four million lattice parts produced, Carbon’s elastomeric materials, computational design, and production technology demonstrate scalability and reliability. The session will outline the Carbon Custom Production Software's methodology, which automates custom part workflows using dual-cure material science and AM processes. Attendees will gain insight into the technologies and strategies driving innovation in customizable sports equipment.

Jim Sauerbaum, Head of Consumer Applications Business Development, Carbon
Marcelo Domenghino, CEO, gebioMized
Alex Locatelli, Product Manager, fizik