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Framing AM & Sustainability Across the Enterprise for Strategic Advantage


The Additive Manufacturer Green Trade Association (AMGTA) is a global trade organization created to promote the environmental benefits of additive manufacturing throughout all stages of the AM ecosystem. The AMGTA is uncovering the potential for additive manufacturing (AM) to provide significant environmental benefits throughout the manufacturing ecosystem and across the business enterprise.

In this presentation, AMGTA Executive Director Sherri Monroe will provide an approach to understanding and evaluating the environmental, economic, and strategic advantages of AM practices when integrated and leveraged across the entire business enterprise. Ms. Monroe will elevate the conversation beyond the part-to-part analysis commonly trapped in conventional manufacture practices and constraints to fully understand when, where, and how AM practices - including design, manufacture, and supply chain impacts - can deliver better environmental and economic outcomes, supply chain resiliency, and strategic advantage.


As additive manufacturing practices gain prominence in discussions throughout the manufacturing ecosystem, questions abound regarding sustainability and the potential environmental benefits of the rapidly developing set of AM technologies. As with any emerging or expanding technology, identifying best-uses for strategic advantage is critical. Clearly AM is not the answer to every manufacturing need but when leveraged for its unique capabilities and immense potential, the gains – both economic and environmental – across the business enterprise can be  significant. Identifying and illustrating the best uses will inform and drive adoption.

Speaker: Sherri Monroe, Executive Director, Additive Manufacturer Green Trade Association (AMGTA)