Martim Lima de Aguiar, Invited Assistant, University of Beira Interior
Rodrigo Antunes, PhD Student, University of Beira Interior
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Exploring Material Properties for Fully 3D Printed Sensor Applications
This presentation will explore the use of conductive thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) filament for creating 3D-printed sensors using Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) technology. Conducted at the Laboratory of Innovation and Technologies for Sustainability (LITecS) within C-MAST at the University of Beira Interior, this research investigates the conductivity and piezoresistive behavior of TPU under various conditions, including pressure, strain, temperature, humidity, and vibration. The insights gained were applied to develop sensors embedded directly into 3D-printed parts, resulting in smart, functional components ready for use immediately after printing. Attendees will learn about the potential applications of conductive TPU filament and its impact on advancing 3D-printed sensor technology.