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Breaking Barriers by Democratizing Additive Manufacturing


How can democratizing additive manufacturing improve efficiency and accuracy in production? This case study examines ZF Friedrichshafen AG's implementation of the 3D Spark platform to streamline their additive manufacturing processes. Making an organization's AM capabilities accessible to all employees is challenging due to the complexity of the technology and the need for specialized knowledge. However, ZF overcame these barriers by centralizing CAD file analysis, feasibility checks, and quotation generation within a single platform. This integration reduced response times to part requests, minimized reliance on specialized expertise, cut lead times by 50%, and increased accuracy by 25%, highlighting the transformative potential of accessible, automated solutions in advanced manufacturing environments.

Ruben Meuth, CEO, 3D Spark
Ignacio Lobo-Casanova, Head of SMART Lightweight Process Technologies, ZF Friedrichshafen AG