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Amplifying Success: Flexibility in AM Redefines Electronics Production


This presentation will discuss how Weisser, a leading injection molding company in Germany, has successfully integrated additive manufacturing (AM) into serial production. Over the past year, Weisser has produced over 40 applications at volumes ranging from 50 to 5,000 parts annually, demonstrating significant cost advantages over traditional methods. Unlike prototyping, these are fully functional serial parts.

The discussion will highlight AM’s unique capability for flexibility in serial production, enabling efficient standardization and inventory management. Attendees will learn about Weisser's approach to optimizing AM for high-volume, deployable serial parts, such as a long-term order of 2,000 electrical sensor components annually. The presentation will emphasize AM’s role in addressing the VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity) challenges in production and its potential for digital manufacturing.

Speaker: Dr. Alexander Starnecker, CEO, Weisser Spulenköper