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Advancing AM: Finland's Sustainable Pathway and Nordic Collaboration


In this presentation, we will delve into the forefront of additive manufacturing (AM) in Finland, showcasing our nation's strengths and contributions to the global AM landscape. We will explore Finland's robust infrastructure, highly skilled workforce, and innovative research and development initiatives that position us as leaders in this dynamic field.

A highlight of the presentation will be the unveiling of the Sustainability Handbook, a comprehensive guide set to be released at the fair. This handbook will provide essential insights and best practices for achieving sustainability in AM processes. Furthermore, we will introduce the sustainable AM roadmap we are developing, outlining strategic steps to minimize environmental impact and promote eco-friendly practices in the industry.

The presentation will also emphasize the importance of Nordic collaboration in enhancing our capabilities and driving advancements in AM. By working together, the Nordic countries are creating a synergistic environment that fosters innovation, strengthens our collective expertise, and amplifies our competitive edge on the global stage.

Speaker: Dr. Sini Metsä-Kortelainen, Head of Ecocystems, DIMECC Oy