Speaker: Ander Reizábal López-Para, Senior Researcher, AIMEN - Innovation and Technology Centre
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Advanced Strategies for Large-Scale Additive Manufacturing of High-Performance Cryogenic Storage Components.
This presentation will overview strategies for producing high-performance components through large-scale additive manufacturing (LFAM), focusing on the development of a full-scale hydrogen tank prototype for extreme cryogenic conditions (20 K). The discussion will cover methodologies such as material selection for optimizing thermo-mechanical performance, process window adjustments for improved layer adhesion, and hardware modifications to enhance reliability. Advanced monitoring systems and geometric design considerations will also be featured. The findings show that systematic LFAM process optimization can meet stringent requirements for cryogenic applications and offers benefits like customization, weight reduction, and production efficiency. This work is part of the EU Horizon Europe-funded OVERLEAF project, which aims to develop a low-pressure liquid hydrogen storage system integrating innovative materials and leak detection sensors. Attendees will gain insights into how these advancements contribute to the hydrogen economy and sustainable mobility in aeronautics.