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Advanced Characterization Techniques for Cement-based materials in 3D Printing Applications


This presentation will discuss the characterization and testing roadmap essential for developing cement-based materials for 3D printing structural elements. While cementitious materials must be fluid for pumping and extrusion, they need sufficient stiffness post-extrusion to maintain buildability.

Despite numerous studies aimed at advancing 3D printing technologies in construction, a clear standard for characterizing these materials is lacking, with companies often using their own criteria. This study outlines key tests for characterizing 3D printing materials in their fresh state, including the Vicat Needle test for setting time (per EN 196-3), manual extrusion tests for extrudability, a shape stability tool for maintaining form under load, the mini slump test inspired by UNE EN 1015-3 for assessing plasticity and compaction, and rotational rheometer measurements using an MCR 102 rheometer to simulate all 3D printing process stages. The study evaluates commercial cement samples from AYMAR SAU, establishing a foundational protocol to predict printability and ensuring reliable 3D printing performance in construction applications. Attendees will gain practical insights into effective material characterization and test implementation.

Speaker: Miguel Otero Sáenz de Lubiano, Researcher, AIMEN Technology Center