Speaker: Sona Dadhania, Senior Technology Analyst, IDTechEx
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Additive manufacturing for electric vehicles: evaluating its true potential and opportunities
Additive manufacturing (AM) is gaining traction in new application areas, with the electric vehicle (EV) market being one of the most promising sectors. This presentation by IDTechEx will analyze AM’s current status and future potential in the EV industry, a market projected to generate $3.5 trillion by 2044. Attendees will gain insights into current AM use cases, OEM adoption strategies, and the practical benefits such as lightweighting and design flexibility. The session will also discuss key technical and economic challenges inhibiting AM’s deeper penetration into the EV sector. Companies active in AM for EVs and recent research findings will be presented, supported by IDTechEx’s infographics, charts, and benchmarking data. Attendees will leave with a clear understanding of AM’s realistic applications in the EV market and strategic opportunities for leveraging these technologies.