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Additive Manufacturing for Aero Engine Applications – Surface Challenges, Solutions, and Future Potential


This session will explore the significant potential of metal additive manufacturing (AM) in advancing aero engine component design and production practices. AM enables designers to create intricate geometries in a single build step, offering a compelling alternative to traditional, complex casting processes.

MTU Aero Engines (MTU) has been at the forefront of AM innovation since 1997, achieving a major milestone in 2013 with the implementation of AM borescope bosses for the PurePower® PW1100G-JM engine, which powers the A320neo. In 2018, MTU established a dedicated AM department to advance the technology for more demanding applications. A key challenge encountered was the as-printed surface finish, which affected structural integrity and posed risks related to particle shedding. To address this, MTU conducted an industry-wide search for a technology that could refine complex component geometries and mitigate AM-related surface defects. REM Surface Engineering’s Chemical Polishing technology was chosen for MTU’s bearing hub component due to its compatibility with freeform structures, uniform material removal, and ability to eliminate partially sintered metal particles while enhancing surface roughness and preparing the surface for critical inspection methods such as Fluorescent Penetrant Inspection (FPI). This successful integration highlights the combined potential of AM and advanced surface finishing, paving the way for expanded use of AM in aero engine applications and further improvements in engine performance. Attendees will gain insights into MTU’s journey, technological solutions, and future implications for AM in aerospace

Dr. Ing. Jürgen Kraus, Director of Additive Manufacturing, MTU Aero Engines AG
Justin Michaud, MTU Aero Engines AG