Speaker: Maximilian Strixner, Additive Manufacturing Senior Engineer, The Exploration Company
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3D printed rocket engines: Space propulsion component development through additive manufacturing
This session will delve into the advancements in additive manufacturing (AM) for producing space propulsion components, particularly rocket engines. AM’s ability to create intricate, lightweight designs with unmatched precision and reduced production time makes it a game-changing technology for space applications. The presentation will cover the integration of metal AM in the production of liquid propellant rocket engines, addressing the benefits and limitations of 3D-printed propulsion systems. Key case studies from NASA and other leading aerospace organizations will illustrate successful implementations. Additionally, the potential for space-based AM, which enables on-demand production and component repair during missions, will be explored. The talk will highlight The Exploration Company’s space vehicles Nyx Earth and Nyx Moon as practical examples. Attendees will gain an understanding of how AM is revolutionizing space exploration by enhancing performance and reducing costs.