
Formnext Awards – Bühne frei für den AM-Fortschritt

Die neuen Formnext Awards prämieren in sechs Kategorien u.a. junge innovative Unternehmen, nachhaltige Geschäftsideen, bahnbrechende Technologien u.v.m. Mit Sicherheit gibt es auch eine Kategorie, in der Sie glänzen können.



AM and the sports industry

Ever played Pickleball? Azul 3D has partnered with Wilson Sporting Goods to show off its HARP technology and is making waves in the high-speed photopolymerization market. The companies co-created two new 3D printed pickleball paddles. James Hedrick explaines, how their paddles significantly reduces the sound from ball hits, and the Custom Core Paddle, which is completely customizable to a player’s needs – represent a shift in paddle design and in how products can be completely re-thought through additive manufacturing.

For more information check out the profile of Azul3D.


  • Nachhaltigkeit
  • Lösungen für die Additive Fertigung
  • Luft- und Raumfahrt